The Dr. Jimmie R. Grimsley Hwy 264 Little League Challenge features 4 North State teams and 4 Tar Heel teams squaring off against the 8 teams from the Wilson City Little League in 8 exhibition games. These games will be a friendly competition between the Little Leaguers from Greenville and Wilson. These games will not count in the standings but will serve as a "game like" exhibition for the participating teams. Players from both Wilson and Greenville have had the opportunity to compete in the 264 Challenge since 2013.
2025 Dr. Jimmie R. Grimsley Hwy 264 Little League Challenge (12th Annual) Schedule (Host team is home team.)
Friday, March 28
7:00 - Creech's Plumbing (Wilson) vs. EC Auto & Truck Center (Greenville) - Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
7:00 - Ross Orthodontics (Greenville) vs. EB Sports (Wilson) - Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park
Saturday, March 29
10:00 - Greenlight (Wilson) vs. Physicians East (Greenville) - Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
10:00 - Carolina Windows & Doors (Greenville) vs. Truist (Wilson) - Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park
12:30 - Farris & Thomas (Wilson) vs. Kiwanis (Greenville) - Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
12:30 - Host Lions Club (Greenville) vs. Hwy 55 (Wilson) - Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park
3:00 - North Carolina Baseball Museum (Wilson) vs. Lee & Harrell (Greenville) - Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
3:00 - Brown & Wood (Greenville) vs. Breakfast Optimist (Wilson) - Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park
Wilson City Little League (All Time 264 Challenge Records through 2024)
Truist > 6-5
Creech's Plumbing 4-7
Greenlight* 4-7
E. B. Sports 4-7
Breakfast Optimist 4-7
NC Baseball Museum# 3-8
Hwy 55 3-8
Farris & Thomas$ 1-10
*Heritage Bank became Greenlight in 2014.
#Sallenger & Brown became NC Baseball Museum in 2014.
$Farris & Farris became Farris & Thomas in 2020
>BB&T became Truist in 2022
North State Little League (All Time 264 Challenge Records through 2024)
Optimist 6-0
Physicians East 4-1
Host Lions Club 4-1
Coca Cola 4-2
Kiwanis 3-2
Overton's 3-3
C&C Stoneworks* 3-3
Ross Orthodontics 2-3
*Sylvan Learning Center became C&C Stoneworks in 2019
Tar Heel Little League (All Time 264 Challenge Records through 2024)
RE/MAX % 5-0
Brown & Wood 5-0
Pepsi Cola 4-2
Truist> 4-2
Eastern Plumbing 4-2
Carolina Windows & Doors 3-2
Jarman Auto Sales 3-3
EC Auto & Truck Center 2-3
%NorthCare became RE/MAX in 2018.
>BB&T became Truist in 2022.
2024 Dr. Jimmie R. Grimsley Hwy 264 Little League Challenge (11th Annual) Results
Friday, March 29
Hwy 55 (Wilson) 3 C&C Stoneworks (Greenville) 2 FINAL from Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
Breakfast Optimist (Wilson) 14 Overton's (Greenville) 1 FINAL from Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
Pepsi Cola (Greenville) 12 NC Baseball Museum 1 (Wilson) FINAL from Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park in Greenville
Coca Cola (Greenville) 20 Farris & Thomas (Wilson) 0 FINAL from Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park in Greenville
Saturday, March 30
Truist (Greenville) 16 Truist (Wilson) 2 FINAL from Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
Eastern Plumbing (Greenville) 15 EB Sports (Wilson) 0 FINAL from Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
Optimist (Greenville) 17 Greenlight (Wilson) 4 FINAL from Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park in Greenville
Jarman Auto Sales (Greenville) 19 Creech's Plumbing (Wilson) 2 FINAL from Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park
2023 Dr. Jimmie R. Grimsley Hwy 264 Little League Challenge (10th Annual) Results
Friday, March 31
Ross Orthodontics (Greenville) 25 Farris & Thomas (Wilson) 0 FINAL from Wilson
Truist (Wilson) 0 RE/MAX (Greenville) 15 FINAL from Greenville
Saturday, April 1
Carolina Windows & Doors (Greenville) 12 Greenlight (Wilson) 0 FINAL from Wilson
Breakfast Optimist (Wilson) 2 Physicians East (Greenville) 3 FINAL/8 INNINGS from Greenville
Host Lions Club (Greenville) 8 Creech's Plumbing (Wilson) 2 FINAL from Wilson
Highway 55 (Wilson) 2 Kiwanis (Greenville) 3 FINAL/9 INNINGS from Greenville
Brown & Wood (Greenville) 13 North Carolina Baseball Museum 1 (Wilson) FINAL from Wilson
3:00 - EB Sports (Wilson) 12 East Carolina Auto & Truck Center (Greenville) 4 FINAL from Greenville
2022 Dr. Jimmie R. Grimsley Hwy 264 Little League Challenge (9th Annual) Results
Friday, April 1
Optimist (Greenville) 9 EB Sports (Wilson) 8 FINAL from Wilson
Truist (Greenville) 19 Greenlight (Wilson) 2 FINAL from Greenville
Saturday, April 2
Breakfast Optimist (Wilson) 5 Pepsi Cola (Greenville) 4 FINAL from Wilson
Coca Cola (Greenville) 18 Truist (Wilson) 0 FINAL from Wilson
Hwy 55 (Wilson) 7 Jarman Auto Sales (Greenville) 6 FINAL from Wilson
Eastern Plumbing (Greenville) 9 Farris & Thomas (Wilson) 1 FINAL from Greenville
Overton's (Greenville) 17 NC Baseball Museum 2 (Wilson) FINAL from Greenville
C&C Stoneworks (Greenville) 8 Creech's Plumbing (Wilson) 6 FINAL from Greenville
2021 Dr. Jimmie R. Grimsley Hwy 264 Little League Challenge (8th Annual) Results
Friday, April 2
Greenlight (Wilson) 10 Kiwanis (Greenville) 1 FINAL from Wilson
BB&T (Wilson) 20 . Carolina Windows & Doors (Greenville) 6 FINAL from Greenville
Saturday, April 3
North Carolina Baseball Museum (Wilson) 6 EC Auto & Truck Center (Greenville) 3 FINAL from Wilson
RE/MAX (Greenville) 9 Farris & Thomas (Wilson) 4 FINAL from Wilson
Physicians East (Greenville) 7 Creech's Plumbing (Wilson) 4 FINAL from Wilson
Brown & Wood (Greenville) 5 Breakfast Optimist (Wilson) 4 FINAL from Greenville
Ross Orthodontics (Greenville) 9 Highway 55 (Wilson) 2 FINAL from Greenville
Host Lions Club (Greenville) 10 EB Sports (Wilson) 1 FINAL from Greenville
2020 Dr. Jimmie R. Grimsley Hwy 264 Little League Challenge CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19
2019 Dr. Jimmie R. Grimsley Hwy 264 Little League Challenge (7th Annual) Results
Friday, March 29
EB Sports (Wilson City LL) 10 Eastern Plumbing (Tar Heel LL) 0 FINAL at Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
Greenlight (Wilson City LL) 6 Jarman Auto Sales (Tar Heel LL) 0 FINAL at Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park
Saturday, March 30
Breakfast Optimist (Wilson City LL) 9 C&C Stoneworks (North State LL) 7 FINAL at Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
Hwy 55 (Wilson City LL) 5 BB&T (Tar Heel LL) 4 FINAL at Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
Overton's (North State LL) 2 BB&T (Wilson City LL) 1 FINAL at Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
Creech's Plumbing (Wilson City LL) 8 Coca Cola (North State LL) 1 FINAL at Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park
Pepsi Cola (Tar Heel LL) 8 Farris & Farris (Wilson City LL) 7 FINAL at Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park
Optimist (North State LL) 18 North Carolina Baseball Museum 3 (Wilson City LL) FINAL at Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park
2018 Dr. Jimmie R. Grimsley Hwy 264 Little League Challenge (6th Annual) RESULTS
The team from the host city has been designated as the home team for each game in the 264 Challenge.
Friday, March 30
Host Lions (North State LL) 7 Greenlight (Wilson City LL) 3 FINAL at Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
RE/MAX (Tar Heel LL) 12 EB Sports (Wilson City LL) 1 FINAL at Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park
Saturday, March 31
Creech's Plumbing (Wilson City LL) 4 Ross Orthodontics (North State LL) 0 FINAL at Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
Breakfast Optimist (Wilson City LL) 5 Physicians East (North State LL) 2 FINAL at Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park
NC Baseball Museum (Wilson City LL) 2 Carolina W & D (Tar Heel LL) 0 FINAL at Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
EC Auto & Truck Center (Tar Heel LL) 13 Hwy 55 0 FINAL at Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park
Brown & Wood (Tar Heel LL) 12 Farris & Farris (Wilson City LL) 4 FINAL at Southern Bank Stadium in Wilson
BB&T (Wilson City LL) 6 Kiwanis (North State LL) 4 FINAL at Stallings Stadium at Elm Street Park

The Commissioner's Challenge is a set of 4 exhibition games each featuring 1 team from the North State League and 1 team from the Tar Heel League. Teams who do not participate in the 264 Challenge in a given year have the opportunity to play in the Commissioner's Challenge. These games are played with regular season rules (exception: some games may have a time limit) but do NOT count in the standings.
2025 Commissioner's Challenge Schedule (Home team listed first.)
Wednesday, March 26
5:30 - Optimist vs. Pepsi
7:30 - Truist vs. C&C Stoneworks
Thursday, March 27
5:30 - Coca Cola vs. Jarman Auto Sales
7:30 - Eastern Plumbing vs. Overton's
2024 Commissioner's Challenge RESULTS
Wednesday, March 27
Brown & Wood 10 Physicians East 7 FINAL
East Carolina Auto & Truck Center 15 Host Lions Club 2 FINAL
Saturday, March 30
Carolina Windows & Doors 8 Kiwanis 3 FINAL
RE/MAX 17 Ross Orthodontics 0 FINAL
2023 Commissioner's Challenge RESULTS
Thursday, March 30
Overton's 0 . Eastern Plumbing 4 FINAL
Jarman Auto Sales 5 C&C Stoneworks 8 FINAL
Friday, March 31
Optimist 5 Pepsi Cola 7 FINAL
Saturday, April 1
Truist 9 Coca Cola 8 FINAL
2022 Commissioner's Challenge Results
Sunday, April 3 (Originally scheduled for Thursday, March 31
Kiwanis 14 Brown & Wood 6 FINAL
Ross Orthodontics 9 Carolina Windows & Doors 1 FINAL
Friday, April 1
Host Lions Club 12 EC Auto & Truck Center 5 FINAL
Saturday, April 2
RE/MAX 14 Physicians East 4 FINAL
2021 Commissioner's Challenge Results
Thursday, April 1
Optimist 13 Jarman Auto Sales 7 FINAL
Eastern Plumbing 11 Overton's 2 FINAL
Friday, April 2
BB&T 6 Coca Cola 2 FINAL
Saturday, April 3
C&C Stoneworks 9 Pepsi Cola 5 FINAL
2020 Commissioner's Challenge CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19
2019 Commissioner's Challenge Results (All games at Elm Street)
Thursday, March 28
EC Auto & Truck Center (Tar Heel LL) 21 Physicians East (North State LL) 3 FINAL
Brown & Wood (Tar Heel LL) 14 Ross Orthodontics (North State LL) 4 FINAL
Friday, March 29
RE/MAX (Tar Heel LL) 11 Kiwanis (North State LL) 1 FINAL
Saturday March 30
Carolina Windows & Doors (Tar Heel LL) 16 Host Lions Club (North State LL) 1 FINAL
2018 Commissioner's Challenge Schedule (All games at Elm Street. Home team is listed first.)
Wednesday, March 28
Overton's (North State LL) 3 Eastern Plumbing (Tar Heel LL) 2 FINAL
Optimist (North State LL) 10 BB&T (Tar Heel LL) 9 FINAL
Friday, March 30
. Jarman Auto Sales (Tar Heel LL) 12 Sylvan Learning Center (North State LL) 8 FINAL
Saturday, March 31
Coca Cola (North State LL) 11 Pepsi Cola (Tar Heel LL) 3 FINAL